As far back as 1995, as the first specialist skin laser clinic in East Anglia, Health Counts was lasering masculine themed/located tattoos off patients who were changing gender, and in 2004 when the clinic (again one of the first) diversified into laser hair removal we were the first on the list for our LGBGTQ+ people.
Beard and male pattern hair growth removal by laser
We’ve had many hundreds of really happy clients from the community since, so much so that in 2016 we were approached by NHS England to carry out facial & pre-surgical laser hair removal for their patients. We KNOW what you have to go through & our CQC registration, laser expertise & medical credentials put us at the top of our field in this service. We can even put you in touch with people who’ve been through this for extra support & advice. You can also be assured that our medical status means that your treatments are kept UTTERLY confidential at all times.
Feminine facial contouring using dermal fillers
In our bid to continue to serve such a wonderful community, we currently looking into providing facial treatments for those undergoing gender reassignment and are currently consulting with Dr Vincent Wong, expert in facial contouring!
Certain stereotypically and biologically masculine or feminine physical attributes contrast against gender identity, though of course there is no right or wrong way to perform your gender. For those seeking aesthetic treatments to better align their appearance with their gender while transitioning, there are certain non-surgical procedures that provide excellent results for these individuals:
So watch this space for some new and exciting treatments courtesy of Dr Vincent Wong and his years of industry experience ...